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Cultural Delights in 2023


2023 年,到異地唸了碩士,看了 36 部電影、27 部電視劇(含綜藝),以及 7 本書,以下是個人推薦:



  • Past Lives 之前的我們 (murmur: 錯過和錯誤的時間,雖然不是我們的快樂結局,但卻不見得不是你們的快樂結局。謝謝你出現在我的生命裡。)

  • Aftersun 日麗 (murmur: 有些影像因為是日常,所以看起來特別動人又平凡。老爸是老爸,卻不是他自己。)

  • Oppenheimer 奧本海默 (murmur: 噪音構築了一個人的所思所想,回憶不是線性,更沒有無聊畫面。)

  • Evil Does Not Exist 邪惡根本不存在 (murmur: 音樂、畫面、色彩、視角,以及結局。)

  • All of Us Strangers 親愛的陌生人 (murmur: 一個破碎的靈魂與另一個破碎靈魂的相遇,關於家人、道別、和解,以及自己。)


  • LIVE 轄區現場:每個角色幾乎都非常立體,雖然犯人是非常純粹的惡人,但這不影響失去故事的厚度,因為比起探討犯人,劇本更在意整個組織、組織內彼此的人,還有每個角色自己的故事。

  • Euphoria 高校十八禁:這部戲的深度讓我共感另一個文化的年輕視角:黑暗、衝動、和後悔。有些角色像是編劇派來當一絲微光的。(Thank you, Angus Cloud)

  • 去有風的地方:(disclaimer: 跳著看) 溫暖,有邏輯,有情緒,還能有觀光效益XD

  • 柏青哥:橫跨四代,關於個體、自我、和認同。一個人的畫像,也是那個時代的全體。出色的演員、樸實的劇本,和互相交映的情感。

  • The Night Agent 暗夜情報員:我覺得是很讚的爽片!步調快、邏輯 OK,沒有硬要的男女權之爭、現實虛擬之爭、或是什麼親子家庭戲碼。


  • 渺小一生:大概是我上半年哭到不行的原因,甚至不確定該不該推薦這本,只是如果看到承受不住,合起來哭完再決定要不要翻開,不要逞強沒關係的。

  • 晶片島上的光芒:滿好讀的不會睡著,補足了一點點我對半導體一無所知的常識。


再來是關於實地走訪的部分,共看了 8 場百老匯、3 場舞台劇、7 場其他種類的表演與 6 間博物館,以下分享較為特別的幾個:



  • Hamilton: Disney+ 上的比較清楚(當然是因為前面票價太貴),但是現場更看得到生命力。每一句台詞都是饒舌歌詞,押韻到爆,同個單字在不同場景出現完全有不同意義。上半場像是超嗨演唱會,下半場像是歷史磅礴大戲。

  • Sleep no more: 追著演員跑,真的體會到演戲的是瘋子看戲的是傻子XD 馬克白跟馬克白夫人劇情重疊多,應該要看更多其他角色的內容才能把劇支撐起來。氛圍感很好,就是不適應黑暗的人會很辛苦…(快要停演了請加緊腳步。

  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: 劇情稍嫌普通,角色也沒有令人喜愛的地方,還要坐三個半小時,不過技術部分是心中第一,包括催狂魔、丟椅子、魔法火花跟最驚豔的時間倒轉,目前票價掉到不行,可以為了看「魔法」而去。

  • MoMA: 這一年去了五次,當然最大原因是學生證可以免費進場,除了鎮館之寶星夜,每次看一點點其他不同的畫作都很療癒,展覽空間也不像 The Met 大到逛不完,適合下午吃飽散散步的行程。


  • 紐約 NY:曼島不必說,旅遊景點應該都走過了,有去看 US Open,明年有機會想再去一次!

  • 紐澤西 NJ:親戚家、朋友家跟西點軍校 (West Point)

  • 波士頓 Boston:海鮮、哈佛、MIT

  • 哥倫比亞 Colombia:西文、呼吸困難、私人溫泉

  • 尼亞加拉瀑布 Niagara Falls: 瀑布、加拿大、朋友!

  • 佛蒙特 Vermont:追楓葉、Dartmouth College, UMass

  • 華盛頓 DC:紀念碑、白宮、藍天綠地


Here are the translations by chatGPT.

Introduction: Some people find recording their entertainment choices mundane, others argue that the process itself is a meaningful journey.

In this reflection on 2023, a year spent pursuing a master's degree abroad, I watched/read 36 movies, 27 TV shows (including variety shows), and 7 books. Here are some of my recommendations:


  1. Past Lives: Reflecting on missed opportunities and mistakes, this film isn't "our" happy ending, but it might be "yours". He said: Thank you for being part of my life.

  2. Aftersun: Everyday scenes become moving in this portrayal of the ordinary. A father is her father, yet not entirely himself.

  3. Oppenheimer: Noise constructs one's thoughts, and memories are anything but linear in this thought-provoking film.

  4. Evil Does Not Exist: A symphony of music, visuals, colors, perspectives, and a compelling ending.

  5. All of Us Strangers: The encounter of two broken souls, exploring themes of family, farewells, reconciliation, and self-discovery.

TV Shows:

  1. LIVE (LIVE 轄區現場): Multi-dimensional characters take center stage, with a focus on the organization, its internal dynamics, and each character's unique story.

  2. Euphoria: Delving into the dark, impulsive, and regretful aspects of youth culture, with characters acting as beacons of light. (Thank you, Angus Cloud.)

  3. Meet Yourself (去有風的地方): (Disclaimer: Watched part of) Warm, logical, emotional, with the added benefit of sightseeing.

  4. Pachinko (柏青哥): Spanning four generations, exploring individuality, self, and identity. A portrait of an individual, reflective of the era.

  5. The Night Agent: An enjoyable thriller! Well-paced with balanced dynamics, free from gender debates or forced family narratives.


  1. A Little Life: A poignant read that brought sadness, yet offered immense satisfaction. It's okay if you can't navigate through the entire book smoothly; feel free to pause, close it, and decide whether to open its pages again.

  2. 晶片島上的光芒: A readable exploration, bridging the gap in my semiconductor knowledge.

From attending 8 Broadway shows, 3 stage plays, 7 other performances to visiting 6 museums, here are a few standouts:

Exhibitions and Performances:

  1. Hamilton: Disney+ is clear, but live is vibrant. Rap lyrics in every line, rhyming abundantly, a same word holds different meanings in various scenes.

  2. Sleep No More: Chasing actors, understanding the sayings that whoever performs is a madman, and whoever watches is a fool. Atmospheric but challenging for those not accustomed to darkness.

  3. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Slightly ordinary plot with unlikable characters but redeemed by spectacular technical aspects.

  4. MoMA: Visited five times. Including Starry Night, exploring different artworks each time is enjoyable in the not-too-vast exhibition space.


  • New York (NY): Explored Manhattan, attended the US Open, planning to return next year.

  • New Jersey (NJ): Visited relatives, friends, and West Point.

  • Boston: Explored seafood, Harvard, and MIT.

  • Colombia: Experienced Spanish, struggled with altitude, enjoyed a private hot spring.

  • Niagara Falls: Witnessed the falls, visited Canada, and spent time with friends.

  • Vermont: Chased autumn leaves, explored Dartmouth College and UMass.

  • Washington DC: Explored monuments, the White House, and enjoyed blue skies and green landscapes.

In this cultural mosaic of 2023, from screens to stages, pages to museums, and journeys near and far, each encounter left an indelible mark. Here's to a year well-lived and a myriad of cultural delights.

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